danger I wouldn’t have believed it possible considering that I still don’t read that much in Spanish, but I just love the bookshops around here! I can spend a long while browsing through them and it’s ...
bunny alarm I find public transport in this city highly confusing. The grid outline of the city doesn’t help and none of the stops are announced. You have to know pretty exactly where you’re going to tell ...
hairfree coffee Did I mention that I like it here? Somehow around here things fall into place just like that, effortlessly. To give you an example: Today we went to the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes and ...
sorry After running all over town for the last couple of weeks we decided to take it easy yesterday and stayed in the neighbourhood. This doesn’t mean that we didn’t do anything though. There are elections ...
hold on Bus journeys over here can be a bit of a drag. Yesterday we made sure to get on the bus before the rush hour and still spent an hour on it. It’s a very big ...
self-portrait Finally it cooled down a bit and we went to San Telmo like we originally planned for yesterday. After having a bit of a look around and checking out some markets (where I didn’t buy ...
fog I have now all the film together for our trip to Argentina: 38 rolls of Fuji drugstore film, 2 rolls of Kodak Farbwelt (I wanted an even 40) and 10 rolls of Portra 400 for ...
spectators I have hardly been shooting since my last trip, mainly because my health has been shoddy thanks to the flu and then the other times the weather has been just dismal. Same goes for today ...
pointy hats I was debating whether to post all New Year’s Eve pictures together or split them into rolls. The problem solved itself since I still haven’t developed all the rolls from that particular trip and this ...
hands Originally I wanted to shoot the carnival parade yesterday, but then I decided against it. I was already feeling a little under the weather and didn’t really feel like I could bear all the bad ...
secretly alien Between my language course, work on the PhD, scanning, editing and the usual ups and downs of my health I’m really quite busy these days. However, it’s all good and seems to be working out ...
shoot One of the rolls I developed earlier really made me smile. It was an entire roll of pictures from the city festival and I caught some great stuff. I’m very much looking forward to showing ...
gossip Although I had already shot 5 rolls this week I couldn’t resist taking Nancy with me yesterday as well. This makes a total of 6 1/2 rolls this week and those will be the last ...
Kurdish protests in Düsseldorf Film has one disadvantage that I normally see as an advantage: Processing it involves more than just copy & paste. A lot of effort and skill goes into developing film and especially with black and ...
wheels I have been seized by a need to organise my film today and spent quite a bit of time looking over old rolls, adding some basic information to the negative sleeves with sticky labels. For ...
pointers This morning it was snowing and snowing and snowing. So much that we even considered building a snowman! However, it was just too cold and we didn’t have any good gloves for that sort of ...
pray With -8°C out there we actually decided to have a warm day in today. There isn’t much to report apart from the fact that I have shot 21 rolls of film with my Leica so ...
like a good friend The last few days I’ve been scanning a lot, and still, I have about 14 developed rolls lying around here waiting to be scanned and another 10 rolls to be developed. I have given up ...
film water battery After weeks and weeks of rain and grey ISO 800-1600 weather I’m very much looking forward to travelling a bit. The place where I live isn’t exactly great for street photography even when the weather ...
unusual perspectives Yesterday was the last tango lesson of the year for us and for once the weather wasn’t too miserable. I loaded my XA with some rather hastily rolled XP2 and off we went. We were actually ...