The last few days I’ve been scanning a lot, and still, I have about 14 developed rolls lying around here waiting to be scanned and another 10 rolls to be developed. I have given up on the idea of catching up and rather enjoy having a bit of distance to the pictures I post. I just try not to let it get out of hand, that’s all.
Tomorrow morning we will also be travelling to Germany. We will actually have a stopover and after arriving we will take another train before we finally arrive. It will be a long journey! And then the next day we will actually travel again to Berlin where we still stay a couple of days so that I can see a doctor. A few years ago a trip like that wouldn’t have been possible, but now I’m hoping that it will be enjoyable and filled with lots of opportunities to take pictures – more to catch up with! Sadly the weather looks a bit rainy, but I’m sure I can work around that somehow.
In any case, the next few days are going to be rather busy and I’m not sure whether I’ll get around to posting pictures. You’ll probably see more shots from the archives if I get around to preparing them – at the moment I’m still busy with packing actually and don’t really know whether I’ll find the time.
All pictures taken with: Rolleicord V, Schneider-Kreuznach Xenar 75mm f/3.5.
Rollei RPX 400 stand-developed in Rodinal 1:100, 60min.
I also had a good relationship with a tree when I was at university. I love how her crossed legs point towards the tree while the branches above her seem to make an effort to provide good shade.
That’s one tall duck! He was eyeing me rather suspiciously, but didn’t move a bit.
Nope, not falling lines, it’s actually a curved building!
Nothing says bookshop like a skeleton, eh?
I was actually rushing to an appointment, but I had to stop to take this picture.
Wait, tools and then there seems to be an abyss at the other side of the door? Alas, I didn’t have time to figure out what that was all about! Enough time to take a picture though!
Quick chat before riding off.
Imagine a buzzing sound!