delicious What do you get when you combine a contrasty film shot in bright sunlight with a contrasty developer? Right! You get a headache when you’re trying to scan the stuff! Nevertheless I can’t help liking all ...
black and white (eye-)candy Tri-X and I seem to have a little love-hate relationship going on. At first I didn’t like it at all, mainly because I only ever tried it in Rodinal and shot it with a yellow ...
feeding the birds Creative work seems to be a constant up and down. On some days everything seems to fall into place effortlessly and on others I just don’t seem to be able to get anything right. Lately ...
se un agente del kaos I have now finished developing all the black and white rolls that I brought back from my most recent trip. I even developed some from before as well, which means that in total I developed ...
in that other world At the moment I’m experimenting again with stand-development in Rodinal. When I first started with it I actually did a lot of careless agitation, which increased grain. Later I tried to learn from my experiences ...
dog pleasures Sometimes I look at the results from a day out and I’m utterly disappointed. Other times however, I can’t stop looking at the pictures amazed at what I somehow managed to produce. Especially with 120 ...
beached Yesterday I returned from my last trip and it was such a major headache to travel this time. After the strikes of the railway workers on the weekend and the Wednesday before, they actually announced ...
vertigo Although I definitely have a fear of heights, this normally doesn’t keep me from going to high places to have a look down. I just like a railing or fence between me and the abyss, ...
in danger There is probably some kind of perverse law in the universe dictating that some things have to happen at the worst possible time. Like for example getting a terrible cold when you’re travelling. Although I ...
child’s play A couple weeks ago I posted pictures from a roll of K400 that I shot accidentally at ISO 800. This is the companion roll of Tri-X that also ended up with the same ISO settings ...
the doll It’s been a roller coaster of a week and it would have been full even with half the things that happened. I guess the next few weeks will be similar as well and I probably ...
together The Rolleicord can be a bit challenging for shooting street. There is so much to keep in mind: Forwarding the film, the number of exposures left on the roll, cocking the shutter, setting the correct ...
mauerpark On the weekend we went on a trip to Bilbao to see a Braque exhibition at the Guggenheim. Although we were not too impressed with the exhibition the trip was really nice and I came back with 6 ...
public sleeping Today’s pictures were taken in Berlin on the day that I got my Rolleicord. I wasn’t quite decided yet, so we walked around a little more and then came back to the shop to buy ...
we are getting bigger and bigger This roll had a couple of problems: The first one was a mistake I made during shooting. I thought I had accidentally triggered the double exposure lock of the Isolette by pressing the shutter button ...
cyborg football So far medium format has treated me well. On every roll of 120 I shot I had one picture I really really liked. The same isn’t the case for 35mm for some reason, although there ...
approved by the ministry of silly hats Film always inspires me to experiment. Different film emulsions, different developers, pushing, pulling, different agitation schemes and so on. Of course in the process things tend to go wrong as well. It’s bound to happen ...
siblings Several things went wrong with this batch. First of all I accidentally pushed to 800, because I didn’t change the ISO setting of the XA after shooting at night. I must have been shooting at ...
shopping spree While I was in Berlin I scanned some of the 35mm rolls from my XA to evaluate the camera. This was done with my old Epson v330 and I have to say that I was ...
world cup celebrations The night Germany won against Brasil during the football / soccer world cup I first didn’t want to go out to take pictures because I was feeling too tired thanks to all the moving preparations. ...