Yesterday I returned from my last trip and it was such a major headache to travel this time. After the strikes of the railway workers on the weekend and the Wednesday before, they actually announced a strike of the pilots for Monday and Tuesday. After I already had to take the coach instead of a fast train on Saturday our flight was also cancelled and we were rebooked on an earlier flight yesterday. The chaos of it all was maddening. Nevertheless I had a really successful trip – I came back with lots of input, new ideas, some very good news and some 22 rolls of film that I need to develop. I also bought a whole bunch of cheap C41 film to experiment with colour development, because the Meyerowitz exhibition in Düsseldorf really messed with my head.
And even though my trip was good, it’s really good to be back home as well. The next few weeks will probably involve lots of developing, scanning and dust-spotting, but I’m sure the results will be worth the effort.
The pictures I show you today are from a failure roll by the way: I was a bit too gentle with my agitation and got some serious surge marks. I guess with Rodinal stand I might try inversions again. It also would have been better to wait for the Tri-X to flatten in this case. Not even my ANR inserts could combat that bad of a curl!
All pictures taken with: Olympus XA, F.Zuiko 35mm f/2.8.
Tri-X stand-developed in Rodinal 1:100, 60min.
Beached kid.
I fear he was covered with sand against his will there …
Off to the water.
Such a cartoon moment with the boy on the right digging..
It’s a self-portrait as well.
Beach fashion.
Skater girls.
A very Basque sight!
“… because the Meyerowitz exhibition in Düsseldorf really messed with my head.”
Curious to see your color work now 🙂 this is one of the good part in photography, when you are getting good at doing something suddenly you see something which opens you new doors and new roads to be explored .
I’m very very curious how this will pan out myself, Robert! I’m really not used to colour and it changes a lot how I shoot when I know that there is colour film in the camera. That said, it will probably be different and not necessarily street stuff. There isn’t that much ISO 400 slide film out there anymore anyway and for shooting ISO 100 slide on the street I’ll have to wait until next summer I think. Slide film is definitely where I want to go there.
I love how this kind of black and white shots always look like a trip down memory lane.
Oh, and the first one is simply worth a great smile ?
Thank you 🙂 Tri-X is always a little bit like time travel for me as well. There are obviously less classic emulsions I could use, but I just love the grain and tonality of this one.