This roll had a couple of problems: The first one was a mistake I made during shooting. I thought I had accidentally triggered the double exposure lock of the Isolette by pressing the shutter button without cocking the shutter. So I just advanced until the shutter lock disengaged. Well, when I developed the roll I realised that I managed to produce an accidental double exposure despite the double exposure lock. Sadly it was the best frame of the roll that I “ruined”. Although it still looks quite interesting it would have been a great picture if I hadn’t made that mistake. The second problem was with the development. For some reason I had quite a bit of bromide drag. I must have forgotten to agitate at the halfway point. I fixed the most obvious spots, but it definitely isn’t perfect.
I’m now done with my digital editing queue, but I still have quite a bit of film to come. There are quite a number of rolls from the beginning of the year that I can show you and I even have a number of rolls from Berlin to come that still need scanning and dust spotting. If only dust spotting wasn’t such a boring and monotonous chore!
All pictures taken with: Agfa Isolette II, Apotar 85mm f/4.5.
Tri-X stand-developed in Rodinal 1:100.
The sign says something like “We are getting bigger and bigger”. I love the irony of the tiny bike.
I quite like the tonality in this one.
Public sleeping.
Public knitting.
Mannequin with a donkey’s head. I’m still annoyed about my mistake, although it still looks interesting.
You accident gave an unreal feeling to this photo, the man chatting on the phone near these hanging dresses…
Yeah, it kinda works. It still would have been a good street picture though *sigh*. Well, you win some, you lose some. I’m still happy with that roll though.