I have now finished developing all the black and white rolls that I brought back from my most recent trip. I even developed some from before as well, which means that in total I developed some 19 rolls of film since I came back. I have already vowed that next time I come back with this much stuff to develop I will get a bigger and better developing tank. Right now I’m using a two spool AP tank, which bleeds like a stuck pig. This is totally fine with stand development, because you don’t have to agitate that much, but I really wonder whether this will even do for colour development, if the tank drips the chemicals all over the place when I invert it. I still need to read up a bit more about the whole process before I try it.
All pictures taken with: Olympus XA, F.Zuiko 35mm f/2.8.
Tri-X stand-developed in Rodinal 1:100, 60min.
“Be an agent of chaos” …?
Self-portrait with my XA.
This could have been really great if there wasn’t the slightest bit of shake in it. Notice her T-shirt? It had death on it …
This street was a little too narrow and dark. I should have shot at ISO 800.
Probably not garbage?