So far medium format has treated me well. On every roll of 120 I shot I had one picture I really really liked. The same isn’t the case for 35mm for some reason, although there are 36-40 shots on a roll of 35mm and only 12 on a roll of 120. Maybe this happens because 120 makes me more selective so as to not waste any shots. The ratio of keepers is definitely higher. It definitely is an interesting phenomenon that I will try to push further.
These were taken at Alexanderplatz in Berlin.
All pictures taken with: Agfa Isolette II, Apotar 85mm f/4.5.
Tri-X stand-developed in Rodinal 1:100, 90 min.
I wonder what the strange glove is. Probably some sophisticated form of a splint? It definitely looks stylish with the skulls …! I really like this one.
I obviously didn’t have the time to nail the focus, but at least I wasn’t too far off.
Hanging around at the fountain. The man on the right doesn’t seem too happy, but he wasn’t looking at me.
Bored 5th wheel in the background?
The world is a stage. He was making a display of himself for the camera of his friend. Of course I had to take a shot as well.
The hoodie of the punk says something like: “Honey, you are my bunny”. I think there is also some strange form of straight edge begging chalked on the floor: Asking for food and the likes, but please no alcohol or meat. I couldn’t read all of it.