Meanwhile in Jurassic Park I took a little 2 day break from editing pictures to edit a new Youtube video about all the new music I’m making. I’m back in the swing of things now though and edited 5 ...
The heat is on! Another hot day over here and yet I continue with my editing mission. I managed a couple more rolls, but it was a struggle, since they were 35mm rolls and those always seem to take ...
hands The dreaded day has come: The last pictures from Argentina! It makes me a little sad, because having these pictures in my Quick Collection in Lightroom was somewhat reassuring. But well, don’t worry, there are ...
indoor football Now that my blog is working again properly, I’m going to make an effort to post at least once a week until I have caught up a little. Right now I’m more than a year ...
long wait Ah, there I am again, finally! I’m sorry it took so long this time, but I actually have a good excuse for once: My webspace provider was totally ripping me off, so I decided to ...
dinosaur on the prowl Wow, what a week I had! Friday last week our wonderful Women Who Shoot Film exhibition opened at Feed Arts & Cultural Center in Kankakee, Illinois. One of the pictures from this blog post is ...
books always books This last week has been spent with colour film development, language learning – my newest project is to learn Russian – and I also got around to shooting a couple of rolls. Since the weather doesn’t ...
all the pretty little horses A couple of days ago we returned from our last trip to Madrid. Instead of melting in 40°C weather, this time we were freezing cold at times. It seems we always pick the wrong time ...
flip These days it has been cold and wet, which has actually kept me from shooting. I’ve only been out to shoot a couple of times apart from one day when I spent some time to ...
jetlag impressions I have to say that I really enjoyed my relaxed and travel free Christmas this year. Normally Christmas always turns into a lot of stress thanks to crowded airports and last minute Christmas shopping woes. However, ...
carnival 2016 It took me about a month, but I have finally finished my last development marathon to catch up with the 115 rolls of undeveloped rolls I had lying around at the beginning of autumn. I ...
ready for summer The last week was filled with more low ISO shooting fun. I specifically wanted to finish off my rolls of Rollei Retro 80s in 120 and start shooting it in 35mm after I had run out ...
the sea the sea It’s been a slow month photographically and I kind of miss the bustle of summer that would always provide me with some kind of photographic opportunity, but I guess it’s nice to slow down again ...
on the beach It’s getting a bit colder now, but yesterday we still used the brilliant weather for a trip to the beach. “Trip”, that sounds way too involved, the beach is actually just down the road from ...
summer The other day I already updated my portfolio page and now I’ve also taken the time to update my projects a little. There is a new project of self-portraits on film which is something I’ve ...
skate glory Most of the colour film I’ve shot to date have been cheap emulsions that are sold in drugstores. I managed to shoot some 60 rolls of a cheap drugstore re-branded Fuji 400 before it was ...