Escaping into nature Over the last few years I have not been updating this blog as frequently anymore as I used to in the past. I used to make daily blog posts on here when I was still ...
Celebrating my 1000th roll of film Just before the pandemic reached us I was looking at my rather obsessive Excel spread sheet with which I keep track of the many rolls of film I have shot over the years. I kept ...
A hike with my Rolleicord Last year I started making point of view videos to accompany these blog posts, since I thought it would be nice to remember the context of some of the pictures I was taking. A lot ...
Shooting ISO 100 film in winter Yesterday I uploaded another video to YouTube telling the story of a particularly difficult roll that I shot over the last few weeks, if not even months. I was a bit too optimistic for my ...
on top of the world Taken with: Horizon 202, T-Max 100, HC-110. Another 2 rolls edited today and 80 rolls left to go! I’m definitely putting the “pro” in “procrastination” with my photo editing, but there is progress nevertheless. There ...
the sea the sea It’s been a slow month photographically and I kind of miss the bustle of summer that would always provide me with some kind of photographic opportunity, but I guess it’s nice to slow down again ...
vertigo Rain might keep me from shooting, but drizzle isn’t so bad. So, today I managed to finish the two rolls of 120 I had planned for yesterday – a roll of Rollei CR200 and a ...
abyss As I promised, today I show you a roll from my Rolleicord, taken sometime in May. I’ve been shooting the Rollei quite a bit, but since it’s all in colour there is nothing to show ...
danger I wouldn’t have believed it possible considering that I still don’t read that much in Spanish, but I just love the bookshops around here! I can spend a long while browsing through them and it’s ...
fog I have now all the film together for our trip to Argentina: 38 rolls of Fuji drugstore film, 2 rolls of Kodak Farbwelt (I wanted an even 40) and 10 rolls of Portra 400 for ...
vistas The roll I’m showing you today happened when I took a friend up the next hill to show her the view. I always go up there when I need to get the experience of a ...
beach fun Before going on this trip I scanned the last of the rolls that I shot before getting my Leica. So, once I return home you’ll see much less from my XA. The two of us ...
texture The other day I made a little mistake and scanned some medium format in 2400 dpi. Sure, the quality is great and you get seemingly infinite zoom, but boy does it take long to edit ...
autumn colours The weather these days is largely too uninviting to be out and about shooting. It’s rainy, cold and just a little too dark for what I want to be shooting, so I don’t even take ...
speed Rain, thunderstorms, yesterday some hail, ah, how I love the winters here! At least I get a chance to catch up a little after amassing quite a few rolls to be developed. I mixed a ...
old and new You know, I quite like taking pictures of traditions and collective behaviour, but I have to say that after hearing the same three marches repeatedly the whole day I’m actually sick and tired of it! ...
cat on a leash After a few days of colour film I now come back to a roll of black and white, because I really wanted to post some pictures from my Rollei. At the moment my Rollei is ...
ghosts When I ordered a roll of XP2 a few weeks back to test it, I wasn’t really expecting much to be honest. After all it’s C41 film and abusing it in black and white chemicals seems ...
england Of course the title is slightly misleading, since these were not taken in England. I’m bad with titles though and this one suggested itself. The pictures themselves were taken last weekend while we went for ...
more from ulia After already posting the pictures from the first roll taken up at Mount Ulia, I might as well post the second one as well. This one tore in my Zorki when I went to take ...