Before going on this trip I scanned the last of the rolls that I shot before getting my Leica. So, once I return home you’ll see much less from my XA. The two of us had a lot of fun since I bought it last summer and it has also seen a lot of film. Really, it’s a great little camera and stopped down it does a really great job. However, I’m definitely looking forward to see more results from my Leica. I really liked the few rolls that I showed you already and I’m very much looking forward to seeing more.
Speaking of that last roll: These shots are from the roll in question. Don’t worry, it doesn’t mean that I’m running out of pictures to show you. I still have quite a number of shots left from previous rolls. I only felt like editing these because I was in the mood for beach pictures.
All pictures taken with: Olympus XA, F.Zuiko 35mm f/2.8.
Ilford XP2 stand-developed in Caffenol-CL, 60min.
They were having so much fun!
The beach can be a great place to shoot textures.
Pebbles for example.
I love how 3D this looks.
I actually like that I didn’t properly adjust the focus. The softness in the background gives it a somewhat ethereal atmosphere.
Luckily only in winter.