nostalgia When the going gets tough, it feels nice to have footage from before the Coronavirus pandemic to edit. That’s what I did the last week and I think it did me some good. By now ...
Neverending Story It is barely midday and I already finished my editing, which is good since I‘m likely to burst into flame if I get close to the computer again today. It‘s 37 degrees in the shade ...
resting places Almost 5 months after returning from Argentina I have finally finished developing all the 53 rolls I brought back from the trip. It was a difficult undertaking because it was the first time that I had ...
night watch Today I shot my last roll of Velvia 100 in the Mamiya. This means that I’ve now shot 10 rolls of 120 slide film and I only need to shoot 2 more rolls to be ...
the stuff of nightmares Last time I counted I had 37 rolls left to develop. Since then I’ve developed at least 20 rolls, probably more, but somehow I now have 48 rolls left to develop. Either my maths is ...
escape velocity If you want to know why I sometimes like to shoot colour, then you will see a bunch of reasons in this post. This roll of Cinestill was shot on my last trip and I just love the results. And you will also see why I love rangefinders too. All of these were taken at speeds of 1/8 to 1/15, handheld. Pretty much impossible with an SLR unless you have image stabilisation. And of course my Zeiss lens is fantastic. The lens is really sharp, so it can be shot wide open without any problems. Although f/2.8 is really pushing it for handheld outdoor night shots it works even then, at least if you pick your shots carefully and shoot at ISO 1600. I'm thinking of investing in a faster 50mm lens before the winter so that I'm a bit more flexible, but I'm really impressed with this lens already. It was the perfect pick as my standard lens and it surpassed my expectations.
suburbia Not so long ago I complained that I was months behind on my scanning. Well, I’ve done it: I’ve developed, scanned and dust-spotted all my film! And I thought having the flu was completely pointless …! ...
arrows Tomorrow is the last day of my language course and although it’s been fun and I’ve learned a lot I’m actually looking forward to taking a break from it. 3 hours language course every day ...
terminus Again such an early morning! I should really learn to go to bed earlier. If I don’t get at least 7h of sleep I tend to feel like a zombie (and the feeling might be ...
big eyes Back when I started my first photography blog I had a digital SLR that I used to take everywhere. I was still undecided what I would shoot, but I was drawn to little details, urban ...