Again such an early morning! I should really learn to go to bed earlier. If I don’t get at least 7h of sleep I tend to feel like a zombie (and the feeling might be somewhat accurate). And these days when I actually have to get up early this is especially hard to achieve. I really notice how the morning hours that I spend in class are missing from my daily routine as well. After all I’m out from 9am until 1pm and that’s normally the time when I’m reading and scanning. Today I didn’t manage to scan any pictures and only just finished developing a couple of rolls. And since I have plans for tomorrow afternoon I doubt I’ll get much done tomorrow either. New routines are always difficult.
Speaking of routines and lack of sleep, I better go to bed now.
All pictures taken with: Rolleicord V, Schneider-Kreuznach Xenar 75mm f/3.5.
Tri-X semi-stand in Caffenol-CL, 35min.
I don’t think I ever want to enjoy the comforts of a 2 star hotel at a train station!
Gloomy day, so I was going for stationary objects.
Slightly over the top decoration.
Caught just the right moment there with the scooter in the background!
I have a thing for such old fashioned vending machines.
Nope, that’s not dust, that’s a dirty window!
My Rollei is such a wonderful self-portrait camera!
I like this set a lot, particularly the second picture. I almost want a Rolleicord!
Great set, and nice to see you, Lilly!
die selbstportraits sind sehr schoen. das mit dem roller ist spitze!