underground The last few months have been rather difficult and strange for me. It’s been a bit of a battle with my health, and technology has not been kind to me lately either. But then there ...
levitation for beginners Not so long ago I switched back to my Zeiss lens and zone focussing for the summer. I didn’t realise how much I missed it to just be walking without looking through the viewfinder and ...
bubbles Last week I told you that I experimented with a little pinhole camera I built myself with still rather unpredictable results. This week my experimentation took me to another strange beast which is similarly unusual ...
goal This last week was filled with developing some odds and ends left over after my film development marathon. Some Double-X, Orwo UN54 and some Retro 400s in 120, all developed at a leisurely pace. The last tank ...
shared attention After finishing my long development marathon I’m itching to get back into shooting again. For now the weather has been rather uncooperative though and it has been raining all the time. When my new lens (Voigtländer Nokton ...
imaginary tunes In the last few weeks I have developed and scanned roughly 80 rolls of film. I only have 5 more rolls to go until I will have managed to catch up. It was quite a development marathon, which ...
strange traditions It has been a busy week full of developing, scanning and – surprisingly – shooting. I know, I know, I should be in the business of reducing my rolls now, but I just couldn’t resist ...