After finishing my long development marathon I’m itching to get back into shooting again. For now the weather has been rather uncooperative though and it has been raining all the time. When my new lens (Voigtländer Nokton 35mm f/1.2 ASPH II) arrived on Monday I only managed a few test shots and decided to finish the roll on the next day. The next day turned out equally rainy and dismal though, which meant that I had to push myself and shoot 2 rolls in the rain. It was cold and uncomfortable, but I have to say that the results were definitely worth it. My first impression: It’s a great lens, even better than my 50mm Nokton! I’ll shoot only with this lens for a while to see how it handles in all sorts of situations and report back with some details. The gloomy weather will probably help a lot to get the most out of it.
Other than that I have been in the process of editing the gazillion rolls of film I developed. I still have about 60 rolls left to go through, so it’s quite the marathon as well, but this part is obviously much more enjoyable than all the developing. When I’m editing I just put on some podcasts or interviews and keep going. I don’t know how long it will take me to reach the end of this pile of pictures, but I bet I will finish before this rainy season finally gives me a some sunshine. The perfect kind of work when the weather is uncooperative.
Before I get on with my pictures for today I would like to thank all of you who supported our campaign to fund the first issue of our new She Shoots Film magazine. We’re not quite there yet, but getting closer and closer to our goal. Please continue to support us, pre-order the magazine if you haven’t done so yet and share the link to the campain: With this you will support women photographers around the world by bringing them a new platform in which they can present their work and give us the opportunity to bring you some really wonderful new inspiration. We’re really excited about the magazine, thankful for all the support you have given us so far and personally I can’t wait to finally hold the magazine in my hands!
Now, let’s move on to some pictures though. This time you’ll get to see the first part of the pictures I took in February. Just like November the month of February usually treats us with incessant rain, so things tend to be a little difficult, but of course I keep pushing anyway. In any case, grab a cup of tea or some hot soup and enjoy!
Pictures taken with: Leica M6, Zeiss ZM C-Biogon 35mm f/2.8 and Voigtländer Nokton 50mm f/1.1.
Starting with: M6 / Nokton / Delta 400 / HC-110.
Getting told off for playing in the middle of the street.
Not how you use a bench.
How they managed to steal this boy’s shoe I don’t know.
Zone-focussing a 50mm lens in gloomy weather is not always successful for me, but I think this one works anyway.
Unexpected entrance into the underworld.
It was February. Rainy season.
Happy, as always.
Nokton / APX 400 / HC-110
Shooting through bus windows full of raindrops because sharpness is overrated.
Look, bird!
Anonymous self-portrait.
Either everyone grew all of a sudden or I was just much closer than usually.
Uhm … I think I was zone-focussing at 1/60 or something and did not stop. I somehow like the movement. Not sure what it is.
More cuteness!
There are actually two dogs in this one.
Purely visual interest.
What an expression!
Trying to deal with high contrast.
Feathers everywhere.
Take note of her bag.
Bird action.
Humans are overrated.
f/11 for the win.
They noticed me and started waving.
Coats in shorts in the same picture.
Rich old ladies who live in a summer resort. Do I have to say more?
This is what it looks like when a swan crashes his bike.
Welcome to the 50s.
Nokton / RPX 100 / HC-110.
More furs.
I actually caught a low flying seagull at f/1.1.
Another round just for kicks.
Another anonymous self-portrait.
Typical tourists.
Another instalment of people pointing at things. This time including a white fur ball.
I was taking boring pictures of pigeons when this happened. The man apologised and I had to stop myself from thanking him enthusiastically.
Obviously it was a bit empty / boring, so I was taking random shots.
Warm day.
Dog running wild.
Harbour attractions.
Winter water fun.
Quite geometrical.
Enjoying a bit of early sunshine.
Bit of an old town view from the edge of it.
Scooter fun.
APX 400 / HC-110.
How to become a hunchback 101.
Another white fur ball.
Complete with f/1.1 glow. Gives it a strange dreamy quality.
Boy brings dog a treat for waiting so patiently.
Boy watches dog eat the treat.
Busy chewing.
When you stop on the street to have a chat.
Back rub.
Silhouette. Last one.