It has been a busy week full of developing, scanning and – surprisingly – shooting. I know, I know, I should be in the business of reducing my rolls now, but I just couldn’t resist taking out my Rollei during golden hour. After all, I had just received a pack of Delta 400 and was eager to start playing! Despite this little setback I actually reduced the number of undeveloped rolls in my box to the respectable number of 74 (from 90 last week). I’d call this progress! By the way, also new in the film drawer is a 100ft roll of FP4+, 5 rolls of Bergger 400 and a 100ft roll of Rollei CN 200 which can be developed in both C41 and E6. The purpose for this unusual film is actually to continue with some slide experiments for which I find genuine E6 rolls a tad too precious. Already this week I attempted to make some slides with HC-110, a re-exposure step and regular C41 developing, but haven’t quite succeeded yet. Although there is potential in this, I was clearly a bit too cautious on the re-exposure step which made the slides way too faint. I’ll go into more detail when I will have succeeded with this madness. Why on earth am I getting into this mess when I’m supposed to just develop? Well, I didn’t quite shoot as much colour this year as expected and have about 25 rolls left in my 5L C41 kit. Since the chemicals will otherwise be wasted I might as well try something funky with them.
Lots of developing and scanning isn’t the only thing that is happening at the moment though. As some of you might know I’m one of the co-founders and editors of She Shoots Film ( ), an independent publisher that encourages, supports and draws attention to emerging and seasoned film photographers that make with a woman’s eye. Amazing new things are in the making these days, so please consider backing our first print issue, which can be pre-ordered over at our She Shoots Film indiegogo campaign! And even if you don’t have the means to back the campaign just now, you would help us immensely by sharing it! We’ve been working on this for a very long time, so we’re all really excited now! Check it out and spread the word!
That just as an aside before we come to the meat of this post: This time I’m showing you some more shots from the end of January. I had a bit of a downtime in the last months of 2015, so I was particularly prolific that month to make up for it. I also got a new lens that month, a Voigtländer Nokton 50mm f/1.1, which was making things all new and exciting again. Particularly interesting was that I suddenly had a use for lower ISO film. Two rolls in this post were actually ISO 100 and show off the particular qualities of my now already seasoned lens – yes, I’m a bit behind on everything. Thanks to this lens I now always keep a stock of ISO 100 film around to make good use of the Nokton during the day. Up next time: the last post for January.
Pictures taken with: Leica M6 with Zeiss ZM C-Biogon 35mm f/2.8 and Voigtländer Nokton 50mm f/1.1.
Starting with: M6 / Biogon / Delta 400 / HC-110.
Uhm … hailing a cab in a one way street facing the wrong direction?
Happy people, as always.
A bit of sunlight.
Jumping around.
I think he might have had an imaginary ball.
Next: Nokton / Acros 100 / HC-110.
Development of this roll was way off. It was a random single roll I had lying around. When I test this stuff properly I’ll probably try Rodinal instead of HC-110.
Tired little guy.
Helmet required for one shoulder riding.
Not exactly flip flop weather.
Random self portrait.
It was just before the yearly day of the city that is celebrated by dressing up as soldiers and chefs and drumming 24h.
Checking up on Mickey.
Wrong way round.
Shot from the hip at I don’t know what aperture. Something wide obviously.
Enjoying some rare winter sunshine.
Follow the beam of light and you’ll know why I took that picture.
Wide open this lens definitely has some glow and the corners aren’t sharp, but I definitely like its character.
Kiss kiss.
Also note the kid almost falling in the background.
Next: Biogon / Delta 400 @800 / HC-110.
Little cook.
More drums.
This is the traditional way of carrying your umbrella in these parts. So strange.
Sharpness is overrated.
Taken through an open bus door.
Who needs sunshine for sunglasses?
At a street corner.
Helping the builders.
Robot costume?
Delta 400 / HC-110.
Drums … always drums.
Another instalment of “people pointing at things”.
I got almost run over here. And what do I do? Take a picture of course.
Too lazy to walk.
Can’t help feeling slightly threatened here.
Some kids love this festival.
Others clearly share my feelings.
Did I mention the incessant drumming?
Drum drum drum.
Temporary information point. It will probably disappear next year.
Drumming teamwork.
Next up: Nokton / RPX 100 / HC-110.
Fun with soap bubbles.
Not exactly built to scale.
This pedestrian street was incredibly crowded with people eating and drinking.
Obvious family resemblance on the right.
Welcome to the 50s.
Twins! Had a little conversation with the parents.
Aren’t they darling?
Looks like an angry soldier!
Another spotlight for our furry friends. Last one!