The last few days I was very busy with work and my health wasn’t too cooperative either, so I didn’t spend much time on photography. I was very productive photographically over the summer, so I actually still have some catching up to do and a little break might even do me some good. I’m actually interested in many things, so it’s not so bad to shift my perspective a bit and work on some of my other goals every once in a while. My interests usually link back to photography in interesting ways, so things quickly start to come back to film canisters normally.
All pictures taken with: Leica M6, Zeiss ZM C-Biogon 35mm f/2.8.
dm Paradies 400 developed in Fuji Hunt C41 Kit.
I wasn’t sure whether this one would work out, but I actually like it a lot.
Not filtered, but with the mixed light it would have gone wonky anyway.
Another day in the super crowded city centre.
I usually don’t mind crowds when I’m out with my camera, but this was too much.
Difficult contrasty light as always. This one is full of flowers too.
Tired I guess.
I have since learned what the weight distribution of the camera feels like when it’s level. In April I was still struggling a litte with that.
Havanna, Paris, Florida and the desert on one corner!