I can’t quite believe it myself, but I’m now down to the last 5 rolls of pictures from Argentina. Today I spent a bit of time scanning the rolls that I developed yesterday and if those last 5 are anything like the ones I just scanned I will be rather pleased with this whole batch. The next step will be to edit the pictures and then I’ll be finally done with this never-ending chore! Even if all this developing and scanning is a bit tedious, I still prefer film though: if I had to choose between editing 300-500 shots per day of travel in digital or developing, scanning and editing 2 rolls per day in film, I clearly still prefer film! Although it might be a lot of work, in the end it’s all worth it.
Looking at the weather forecast and my ISO dial on the Leica one might think that the rainy season has begun. I had to start shooting at ISO 1600 again with a film that tends to fog. I will probably have to tweak my push processing a little to cope with the roll, which should also help me determine a better way of pushing T-Max 400. I guess it all falls under experimentation.
All pictures taken with: Leica M6, Zeiss ZM C-Biogon 35mm f/2.8.
T-Max 400 stand-developed in cold Caffenol-CL.
Only perfect with the drill sergeant standing over them!
And stretch!
All of this preferably without drowning.
There is more where that came from.
About to jump in.
Not sure what the cone was doing there. With all the beach architects it probably served to mark a sand castle!
I doubt that it was very warm that day.
Bright enough though.
Not exactly the best background separation, but I think you get the gist.
Perfect spot for a snack.