In our house the most dangerous thing to ask is: “Do you want to go to a bookshop?”, and yet, I do say it from time to time. The sun came out in the afternoon, so I lured my husband out of the house with books. It’s an evil trick and it works almost every time! First stop, a second hand book fair in the centre which is always at the beginning of September each year. While my husband was looking for books, I walked around the square and a couple of blocks in each direction to see what I could catch. Two rolls and one book later we went to a bar and had a drink, strategically seated next to an open window where I snapped a few more shots.
After the drink we stopped at a bookshop down the street and looked at photography books. One book I found strange yet interesting and somewhat haunting, it was Bitter Honeydew by Kirill Golovchenko, a book about roadside sellers of watermelons in the Ukraine. Maybe one day when I have reflected about it a bit more and it actually stays with me I might even get the book. On the way back from the centre we stopped at another one of our spots – there is a book exchange spot at a local clothing store in our neighbourhood that also usually has some small photography exhibition on. I looked at the exhibition, which wasn’t particularly noteworthy – some nice but rather unspectacular surf pictures – while my husband rummaged through the books looking for a new home. The interesting thing is that this clothing shop actually used to be a very nice bookshop before. Only fair to let some of the books stay, right?
Another 3 books later we walked across one of my usual street photography haunts, a square packed with people at this time of day. The only difficulty was that I ran out of film after barely two shots, since I’d been busy already. We came back home with 4 books and 3 rolls shot, definitely, a successful outing. And yes, those times when I ask that dangerous question we usually even out by chance. On our trip to Argentina I shot 53 rolls of film. How many books do you think we brought back? Exactly 53.
All pictures taken with: Leica M6, Zeiss ZM C-Biogon 35mm f/2.8.
T-Max 400 stand-developed in Caffenol-CL.
That must taste horrifically salty!
The girl in the sunlight!
Spinning top.
What a look!
Showing off his belly.
I like the light in this one.
No idea …!
Her hair seems to merge with the building.
Making sure that there is no traffic.
I got noticed.