Today I’m tired but happy. I had a successful day with 3 rolls finished and a 4th halfway through. We saw the Congress, visited the café of the Madres de Plaza de Mayo, walked along Avenida Corrientes and stopped in several bookstores – Corrientes is full of them. I got very lucky in one of them and walked out with 2 very relevant books. One thing became clear though: The Rollei is not the right camera for such an extremely crowded place as the centre of Buenos Aires! You hardly get the chance to stop there, so there is just no way to focus and compose with the Rollei, especially not with the tall buildings blocking most of the sun so that you have to shoot at f/5.6. Next time we go to such a crowded place I won’t weigh myself down with it. In the end I only took one picture with it and it wasn’t really worth it to carry it all day. Tomorrow we’re planning a bit more quiet outing though and I hope to finish off the roll then.
Today’s pictures? Well, I was a bit unhappy with the roll I’m showing you today, mainly due to the quality of the negatives. This was actually the roll where I realised that it’s better not to push colour film even when it’s underexposed. The results are definitely more grainy than the rolls where I metered at 1600 and forgot to push. By the way, it’s April and these are the last shots from last year. About time, I’d say! Goodbye snow!
All pictures taken with: Leica M6 + Zeiss ZM C-Biogon 35mm f/2.8.
dm Paradies 400 @1600 developed in Tetenal C41 Kit, +2.
Just too cute!
If only it wasn’t so grainy!
Pretty wintery, eh? Well, here we have every day above 20 degrees right now!
It says “simply heavenly” on the window pane … “simply creepy” I’d say though!
Weird colours? Turns out daylight colour negative film needs filtering under tungsten light or it actually gets a colour cast that can’t be corrected because the information is simply missing. With the filter stealing 2 stops I think tungsten film is the better option though.