With the usual miserable weather these days I’m surprised that I managed to fill up 3 more rolls today, despite spending most of the day indoors in the museum and the cinema. We went to the Russian avantgarde exhibition in the Martin-Gropius-Bau and saw the last Hobbit movie on the biggest screen in town. Quite a good day I think, although with the weather it’s unclear whether I got any good shots. I was actually shooting at ISO 1600, because we were in and out of the subway and the weather was so gloomy! I’m rather curious now!
Today I show you some more pictures that I took last year when I was working on my down below project, down in the subway. Looking at these pictures I really miss being close to a place that draws out the weirdest things in people. Living in the big city was really great in this respect. Just get on the subway, and shots will start happening for you. There is nothing comparable where I live now.
All pictures taken with: Olympus Pen E-PL3 and Panasonic Lumix 20mm f/1.7 ASPH.
Victims of capitalism.
Mid air is really one of my favourites, especially when it happens so naturally and with the background of an architecture that seems made for children.
The background is so surreal!
Well, I don’t know anymore what they were looking at, but I found their synchronised behaviour much more interesting!
She was in a completely different world. I keep wondering what she must have been thinking about.
See ? Digital, as in E-PL3 and 20mm f1.7, does it for you…in spades ! Gr8 stuff !!
Your right! it does it for you in a very sterile way and that’s one of the problems…..
Harry, right on! I stand behind my digital shots, definitely, I still like them, but I wish they had a bit more of the organic film feel to them. Very clinical indeed!