Yesterday I started re-scanning the pictures of my Progress through Demolition project. I made the original scans with my old Epson v330 and I wanted to see whether I could improve on the quality of the pictures a bit, since they looked rather unsharp to me. Well, as can be expected with the price difference the results are a lot better with my new v700. In fact the raw scans of the v700 are sharper than even the USM sharpened scans of the v330. Also, since I’m now scanning with ANR inserts I have a lot less problems with distortions due to curly negatives. Well, as they say, if you buy cheap, you buy twice. And in this case it means also that you scan and dust-spot twice, which is even worse.
I had to laugh a bit when I saw those negatives again as well, since I actually shot this project in winter and my Zorki has a tendency not to forward the film correctly and even tear it when it’s cold. These negatives really are a scratched, ripped and partially underexposed mess. It could have been worse though, since I was actually even considering to destroy the film a little more by boiling it. As it goes I’m happy that I didn’t experiment with that, because my Zorki already did a fine job destroying the film all by itself.
And since I already posted some of the old scans from this project, I guess I’ll show you some digital pictures instead. I haven’t shot much digital these days and to be honest I find the E-PL3 a bit of a pain to use in comparison to my film cameras. The autofocus is so useless on it and I don’t have a lens for it with focussing scales. I need to change that one day, but since I don’t invest in digital anymore I think I will have to wait until I get a M-Mount 21mm lens.
All pictures taken with: Olympus Pen E-PL3 and Panasonic Lumix 20mm f/1.7 ASPH.
Irony! She should take the advice of her own t-shirt.
I love this one.
This was the first time I took the E-PL out after a month of only shooting film. I should have cleaned the lens.
Well, decisive moment indeed.
This looks so odd …
Waiting for the light to turn green is boring.
3 and 5 are great, yes.
Don’t blame your Oly: 2, 7, 8 and 9 are very nice – sharp and the dynamic range is excellent!
And the moment in 9: The boy and his little sister – fine.
Glad you like them! Well, those that I show are obviously fine, but two thirds of the pictures I took that day were out of focus, because the autofocus on the Panasonic 20mm lens is so slow. Not being able to zone focus is such a drag!
Well, these good ones count.