I went to take down my exhibition. On the way I went for a quick stroll in the shopping area to take some pictures. Next up, some pictures from my future home.
All pictures taken with: Olympus Pen E-PL3 and Panasonic Lumix 20mm f/1.7 ASPH.
Ah, they shoulda done it right: It actually goes “Woulda coulda shoulda”. In German the same expression is “Hätte, hätte, Fahrradkette”, which is one of my favourites as well.
Human interaction …!
I’m not going to translate this, because it’s very rude – and you can guess it anyway. Not sure it’s the right outfit for the tourist trade. He was one of the rickshaw drivers.
Fitting picture to follow … I think this constitutes dog porn …!
Cross my heart …!
Now there is the explanation why Cologne has to many pigeons in the inner city area.
Smug grin …
I have nothing to add.
Doesn’t he look innocent?
This could almost be a sweet moment if his t-shirt didn’t scream what’s actually on his mind …!
Some nice shots.
The girls (2): ice cream, phone and concentration, a nice combination.
The last one: shure she doesn’t know (see 10)?
1: really a time-table. Her look is sso intense 🙂
This episode pulled me right into the atmosphere of the city, loved it. A most moving and human presentation / documentation of real people going about their daily lives—with a little sly humour thrown in for good measure. This is, to me, the essence of street photography (?) Very nicely done, Lilly. You work very hard (I shoot a little street, too, and I know) and you deserve such fine results.
I’m also relieved to see that you have a little fun, too, now and then. From what I gather second-hand from literature (I’m probably wrong), the Germans — as a race — are a little grim, focused on precision and obsessed with accuracy—-almost to the exclusion of all else (no offence meant – I am a great admirer of German genius in every sphere of human activity, from Mozart to Werner von Braun to Willy Messerschmitt to Karl Benz, to Goethe, to Oskar Barnack and Ernst Leitz — oh my head is spinning…)
Thank you for this one :))
#2 is excellent. nicely observed!