This is going to be a long post. Normally I would make two posts out of this one, but if I do that I’ll never get to some more recent pictures. These pictures were taken on the same day as the pictures from Neuss yesterday. I was on my way to Cologne when I missed the train and had half an hour to kill in Neuss. The result was yesterday’s post. Later that day in Cologne I walked through the city centre for a bit and as you can see I shot a ton of pictures there as well.
All pictures taken with: Olympus Pen E-PL3 and Panasonic Lumix 20mm f/1.7 ASPH.
The shopping area of Cologne is a dangerous place … low flying pigeons all around!
Ice cream and bling.
Posing in front of the dome.
As I said, low flying. Sometimes you need to pay attention where you tread.
Caught them at the best moment!
They look happy as well. Not.
Pretty girl.
Biting the bling.
Double hand holding.
Objectification of women?
Self-portrait with pigeons.
I wasn’t sure why the guy had this stick …
… until he started poking around in the rubbish with it. One of the many German bottle collectors. Mr Cow is not impressed that there are people in Germany who have to poke around in the rubbish to make a living. Me neither.
I was feeling sorry for her, since he was telling her off in public.
Paparazzi style …
Kid + elk, woman + dog.
The “no!” finger.
As you can see, kids care for homeless people. Adults usually don’t.
Pigeon hunting made easy.
Don’t cry!
Too late for the train?
They seem happy!
The t-shirt of the guy in the middle said “Freedom is a state of mind”.
I guess he needed a third hand.
In case you didn’t know: I have long legs. Especially when the sun is low.
Playing cowboys and indians on the train.
And now for something completely different …
I walked through a park in Cologne West after seeing a wonderful August Sander exhibition. I love his work and I even got to see the cameras he was using. Massive wooden large format cameras. And I complain that my Zorki is heavy …!
A beautiful medley of pictures!
Thanks Richard! Glad you like them! 🙂