Today I’m posting some pictures from an afternoon I spent in Leipzig visiting a friend at the end of last year. It was winter and the weather was rather dreadful, so rain and darkness prevail in this series. As I already mentioned in my last posts, I’m having some technical problems with my laptop and therefore I’m prevented from editing new pictures for now. This at least gives me the opportunity to post some older pictures that have been sitting in my archives unused. I definitely won’t run out of pictures to post anytime soon!
All pictures taken with: Olympus Pen E-PL3 and Panasonic Lumix 20mm f/1.7 ASPH.
Girls selecting cuddly toys.
Take note of the shop window in the background.
Lovely weather.
It was still the time of the Christmas markets, so we also went for a quick stroll there. It was way too dark for my Oly though.
Lots of water from up there.
Last one, sorting out the parking situation. As you can see, the weather wasn’t very inspiring. I hope that on my next visit Leipzig will present itself as a bit more photogenic.