This time some pictures that were taken in San Sebastian on the weekend while running errands.
All pictures taken with: Olympus Pen E-PL3 and Panasonic Lumix 20mm f/1.7 ASPH.
“Sonrisas y lagrimas” is actually the Spanish title of The Sound of Music, but also means “smiles and tears”. I found it rather amusing in combination with all the unhappy faces in this one.
The kid on the right definitely had fun. To me it seemed rather old to be being driven around like that.
I was too late with this one. The guy on the scooter had been talking to the child just a moment before. One.
“Compro oro, plata” means “I buy gold, silver”. In Argentinian I think it would mean “I buy gold, money”, which would be a rather odd sign. It always confuses me a little.
I have said it many times: Dogs learn their facial expressions from their owners … but maybe it’s really the other way round: people learn their facial expressions from their dogs, even when they’re just a picture.
Lots of little football players around on a Saturday. Rather popular sport around here.
We couldn’t quite figure out what the crowd was all about. We suspected a religious thing although there also were some banners to be seen. Since the banners were in Basque we obviously couldn’t figure it out: Too alien a language to even guess. Their singing definitely sounded religious, but their banners looked political. I guess we’ll never know. One.
Annoyingly the crowd had gathered right in front of the bookshop where we wanted to go. Two.
In the best tradition of my “photographing inconsiderate muppets” practice. Less confrontational than using my elbows.
Best parenting practice: Smoking right next to your child. In this case she’s still trying to roll the cigarette in the first place.
We went down into the market hall to look at some fish. Let’s just say that the autofocus did a perfect job of focussing on the foreground.
The grey stuff the woman is arranging is actually salad. Black and white can turn some ordinary sights into rather mysterious riddles.
Well, if your underwear is visible already, then it doesn’t really matter if you wear bright underwear under dark trousers that have a hole.
You’d think that finishing all my editing would be a good opportunity to get some more shooting done. I certainly thought I’d go out to shoot a roll of film today. However, the universe is against that plan and has sent us some rain. Fully manual cameras are a pain in the rain and I still need to replace the light seals of my Yashica. At the moment I don’t feel much inclined to go outside to shoot digital either. All I’d get would be umbrellas and more umbrellas anyway.
I really love your shoot from the hip photos!
Thanks David! Haha, that means, you love most of them, it’s my favourite way of working 🙂 Good to know 😉