how (not) to inspire confidence On one of my last days in Berlin before traveling to Düsseldorf I decided to walk through Mitte to get even more of a tourist perspective on Berlin, on the way dropping into Fotoimpex – ...
the joys of waiting Last week I decided to indulge in an old joy of mine: Going to bookshops. I ventured into the Dussmann Kulturkaufhaus at Friedrichstraße and found a book that I was unable to find online. This ...
umbrella porn Bilbao Part 2. The following taken with: Olympus Pen E-PL3 and Panasonic Lumix 20mm f/1.7 ASPH. The guy on the left is a total Addams Family rip off. And yes, they actually made a point ...
wohou This post is going to be a long one, because I’m posting pictures from several days. These are the most recent pictures taken in San Sebastian. All pictures apart from the last four taken with: ...
posh The other day we walked to the city centre for a bit of shopping. Stupid idea, since there were actually sales on and nothing was available in reasonable sizes. In the end we bought a ...
pull and bear I have decided to mix things up a little. Yes, for real, these were actually taken on different days *gasp*! Old lady pulling young lady. Don’t know where the bear is though. Stretching at the ...
superman in training All pictures taken with: Olympus Pen E-PL3 and Panasonic Lumix 14mm f/2.5. Today was a thoroughly photographic day. In the morning I was looking at the blog of the Austrian photographer Severin Koller and I ...