Shooting ISO 100 film in winter Yesterday I uploaded another video to YouTube telling the story of a particularly difficult roll that I shot over the last few weeks, if not even months. I was a bit too optimistic for my ...
Leica + GoPro POV Street Photography I just bought a new GoPro Hero 7 Black for POV street photography videos and tested it for the very first time in this video while out taking pictures with my trusty Leica M6 and ...
thumbs up I managed to edit 4 rolls today and reached another milestone: 49 rolls left to go! Two thirds of my editing marathon are over and I’m making a lot of progress now. I’m sure I ...
photo bomb Taken with: Leica M6, Voigtländer Nokton 50mm f/1.1, T-Max 100, HC-110. Yesterday I had to take an unexpected break from editing, because I wasn’t feeling too well. Even though my health is reasonably ok these ...
on top of the world Taken with: Horizon 202, T-Max 100, HC-110. Another 2 rolls edited today and 80 rolls left to go! I’m definitely putting the “pro” in “procrastination” with my photo editing, but there is progress nevertheless. There ...
Rain dance Taken with: Leica M6, Voigtländer Nokton 50mm f/1.1, T-Max 100, HC-110. Today a miracle happened: I found two rolls that were already edited although my clever OCD Excel sheet said that they still need to ...
new ventures It’s been a long while since I last updated this blog. As you know, I often take breaks and do other things in between bouts of photographic activity. Sometimes I learn languages, other times I ...