I always make the best progress when I start editing right after waking up. 4 rolls edited today and 71 left to go. I also shot past the halfway point now, since I have now less rolls left than I have already edited. I wouldn’t go as far as saying that the end is in sight, but at least I’m making good progress now that I’m editing pretty much daily!
By the way, for those of you who have never seen one of my editing time lapses on YouTube, you might not know that I now use an iPad for dust spotting! I used to circle dust with the trackpad and that was a major pain, even though it might have helped significantly in improving my drawing skills. Now that I have the iPad I can use the Pencil to draw with the spot healing brush directly onto the dust. It makes the whole procedure a little less tedious. Without this new tool I’d probably be grumbling a bit more about the prospect of editing another 71 rolls. And I already grumble a lot as it is!
Taken with: Leica M6, Zeiss C-Biogon 35mm f/2.8.
Neopan 400CN
Rollei Retro 400s