Today I finished the first roll of 120 this year. Although it was sunny outside it was still rather uncomfortable and windy, which made it a little annoying to shoot. Despite the dry weather of course there wasn’t much going on in general since it’s winter and this is primarily a tourist town. I keep on trying though and hope that miraculously something will start to happen anyway. I also shot a roll with my Nokton to continue to explore what I can do with it, this time a roll of FP4+ which was a first for me. More low ISO film for daytime playtime with the Nokton is on the way, but it looks like there will be more rain too, so I doubt I’ll get much opportunity to shoot the next few days. Two more months of the rainy season …
All pictures taken with: Leica M6, Zeiss ZM C-Biogon 35mm f/2.8.
HP5+ developed in Caffenol-CH, Jobo CPE-2.
I wonder whether this mood is contagious?
Minor fire in an unoccupied flat. At least that’s what I read in the newspaper the day after.
Spectators who were hoping for drama.
Everyone stopped to see what’s happening before moving on to continue with their errands.
Hmmm …
Also grumpy.
Nothing to do for these guys in the end.
Looks like he’s chewing his whole finger and not just the nails!
53 to appear only in mirror selfies? Also note the flowers …
Kiss kiss.