Is it me or are weekends unbearably short? I completely forgot what it was like to have an actual difference between weekdays and weekends, so my language course is kinda confusing me now. Tomorrow I will have to get up early again and spend a few hours in class. The weather forecast for this week looks kinda horrific – a whole week of rain as it seems – so maybe I’ll actually get the chance to catch up a bit on the post-processing. I have lost track of how many rolls I have to develop now, but it’s a rather surprising amount of colour film. At the moment I’m having fun developing medium format bw film though. Yesterday it was a roll of RPX 400, today a roll of Tri-X and maybe I continue along these lines tomorrow as well, because it just takes up less of my attention to be stand-developing black and white film. I don’t have to sit next to it all the time which is one of the annoying aspects of developing colour film.
All pictures taken with: Olympus XA, F.Zuiko 35mm f/2.8.
Tri-X semi-stand in Caffenol-CL, 30min.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
Ah, I really like how real this picture feels.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
Double meaning?

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
Kitty cat looking out!

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
Count the wheels in the picture!

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
I think this might fit into the geometry series, but I’m not sure yet. I definitely like the reflection and how it breaks up all the lines!