Although my health is a lot better these days because of a new supplement I’m taking, I still occasionally get bad days. Today was one of those days and so I decided to stay home. I didn’t take any pictures, I didn’t develop, scan or edit any film, but still I was occupied with photography related things. Most of the time I spent lying on the sofa writing an article for She Shoots Film. The article only needs some finishing touches now before it’s ready. Although spending the day like this was relaxing I still hope that tomorrow I’ll feel better. After all I want to go to my Spanish class and then in the afternoon to a tango lesson as well!
In any case, no more work for today, since it’s now time for a wonderful series called Space 1999. In case you get curious: This one is only for serious SciFi fans who can deal with extremely illogical plots, horrific acting and don’t go into fits about the science being entirely wrong (or the scientists in the series being complete morons). I personally find the series hilarious and I’m therefore forcing my poor husband to watch it with me. I generally have a very high tolerance for this sort of thing and can have a great time watching stuff like that … Star Trek TOS or maybe Star Gate in Spanish. By the way, there is nothing quite as funny as badly done hyper-dramatic voice acting with funny translations of SciFi terms. And no, nothing on this planet could convince my husband to join me for that one!
All pictures taken with: Olympus XA, F.Zuiko 35mm f/2.8.
Portra 400 developed in Tetenal C41 Kit.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
Conceptual twins, apparently. You can’t make this shit up! Any by the way, this is why my husband usually walks behind me!

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
Further in that direction is a rather nice café called Café Chagall where one (not me) can eat pretty decent Pelmeni.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
Again … keen fashion sense!

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
I don’t think I can walk past this shop without taking a picture of it.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
Ah, summer. I miss summer!

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
I like it when pictures give themselves their titles. This is called “Sunshine”, obviously!