These days not only the dismal weather is a hindrance, but also the darkness. Since we went to tango a little later today I had to go out earlier to shoot a couple of rolls, since it would have been too dark otherwise. It was already so gloomy the whole day that I headed for an open space along the river instead of going for a walk in the park as I originally planned. And despite this I was still shooting at f/5.6 and below, because it was just so dark! I’m really not a fan of winter.
In two weeks we’ll also go on a trip for Christmas to visit family. Of course this will not make the days any brighter or the weather any better – we’re travelling Northeast which means that it will actually become darker and colder -, but at least I will finally have my Leica which will make shooting at higher ISOs much more convenient. And of course back home there will be the Christmas markets, that don’t exist over here and that are always a good place to take pictures. In general I think the trip will provide lots of opportunities to shoot. In my hometown there are still quite a number of places that I would like to document and we’re also going to a couple of other cities that will give me plenty of opportunity to play with my new Leica. This time it will actually be easy to decide which cameras to take, since my main camera will already be waiting for me there. Of course I’ll take the XA and E-PL3 for backup though, because I’m mad and can’t imagine going anywhere without at least 3 cameras …!
And speaking of trips, this roll was taken on my last trip actually, where I managed to shoot a lot of film as well. I’ve already shown you a lot from that trip, but there are still some 5 black and white rolls to come and later some colour film when I finally have the guts to embark on my experiments with colour film development.
All pictures taken with: Rolleicord V, Schneider-Kreuznach Xenar 75mm f/3.5.
Rollei RPX 400 stand-developed in Rodinal 1:100, 70min.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
Abstract human beings.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
This picture wouldn’t be half as fun without the face of the woman in the upper right corner! I love how this turned out, very quirky!

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
It was getting dark already so the focus plane was quite narrow. Pre-focusing on the bike worked just about alright.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
Strange round things with and without eyes. Somewhat creepy to be honest.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
Head packing … no idea what that was all about.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
Strange eh? It was outside a shop.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
Self-portrait with scratches and Rollei. Such a photogenic camera! And the scratches were actually on the mirror and not on the negative.