Today I’ll show you the results from my first roll of Eastman Double-X. Although these look really promising the negs were a tad too dense at ISO 250 in my XA when developing in Rodinal. I’ve had the intuition for a while that the meter of my XA might be slightly off for everything but ISO 400. Next time I’ll rate it at 320 and see what happens. Dense as these were I had some trouble with the highlights, but I’m pretty sure that these problems will disappear once I figure out the correct rating for it in combination with Rodinal 1:100. I wish I had more than just one more 27 exposure roll of this stuff lying around for experiments, but I guess exploring this will need to wait a little while until I get a bulk loader, since shooting a lot of it would get a little too pricey pre-rolled. I’m already keeping my used canisters in anticipation of the purchase of a bulk loader and maybe at some point I can get a big 400 ft roll of Double-X as well. So far I like the tonality and I think there is just the right amount of grain in these. It definitely looks like a good alternative for Tri-X.
This morning I also developed a roll of Ilford XP2 in Rodinal. The base is very pink, but other than that the negatives actually look quite good. I’m curious to see what my scanner has to say about them.
All pictures taken with: Olympus XA, F.Zuiko 35mm f/2.8.
Eastman Double-X stand-developed in Rodinal 1:100, 60min.
This is the meeting hall of the Jehovah’s witnesses. The heart is probably unrelated …
Weird position for checking your phone …
More phone checking I suppose. Smart phones really are a menace for street photography and I usually try to avoid them like the plague, but occasionally they make people more photogenic like with this contortionist who would have been too boring to photograph otherwise.
Funny little dog!
Probably my favourite on this roll. We went for a walk on a nearby graveyard and saw some really interesting stuff.
Clearly we weren’t the only ones going for a walk there.
We didn’t go walking over graves though …
A road in the city of the dead …