Today I’m showing you pictures from my second roll of 120 film shot with the Isolette. This time I went for some proper street photography and I’m quite happy with the results. I got the focus right in all but one of them and there it’s still alright in the context and format, especially since my rule is: Someone has to be in focus and it doesn’t necessarily have to be the main subject. This was definitely the case here. The next thing I have to work on is getting a bit closer, since apparently the framing of the viewfinder is smaller than what the camera actually records. Before hanging the negatives to dry I first thought that the pictures were overexposed, but actually they were spot on. The thicker base might be changing the impression when they are wet. Apart from the last one they were all taken at f/16 and 1/300 on a sunny day. Zone focussing works pretty alright with that setting.
I have to say that I’m really enjoying the medium format. The negatives are gorgeously big, have a ton of detail and although I still need some practice with the square format I quite enjoy playing with it. This is already enough of a reason to play with the Isolette, but there is another reason still: I just fell in love with Tri-X! Remember all the problems I had getting Tri-X developed properly? I was neither very happy with my results in Rodinal nor with the results in Ultrafin, until recently a fellow San Sebastian photographer gave me a tip about the agitation scheme. Well, since I just bought another pack of K400 for the Zorki and don’t want to be switching films while shooting a project I will have to express my newly found love in medium format. Good that I anticipated this and also bought 10 rolls of 120 Tri-X. It was a bit of a gamble with all my troubles with that film in the past, but I’m glad I took the risk!
All pictures taken with: Agfa Isolette II, Apotar 85mm f/4.5.
Tri-X developed in Tetenal Ultrafin 1:10, 9min.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
Is it a surfer on a skateboard or a skateboarder with a surfboard? I also like that their shadows kinda look like sharks …

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
One of the many chinese shops. He was so cool with his cigarette and seemed slightly confused about my camera.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
This is my absolute favourite of this bunch. The girl with lollipop, the overturned skateboard, the dog in mid air running after a ball, the guy standing on the swing and the second girl is actually texting on her phone!

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
I wouldn’t necessarily assume that he’s homeless. I’ve seen many people around here lie down on benches in the sun and fall asleep. And he was sound asleep, I had lots of time to compose. And yes, that empty space below was done on purpose. It sort of seemed cluttered if I put more of the house behind him in it. The chair and the lamp in the window sort of give it a living room feel in my imagination.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
Not sure that this is very comfortable. He was actually on the phone, but since this isn’t quite visible I don’t mind. This is where the focus is slightly wrong. It’s not on the guy, but on the girl walking.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
Action shot. Ok, nothing in this picture is really sharp, but that’s really not necessary for such a shot.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
She saw the Isolette and gave me a big smile. That’s why shooting street with old cameras is great!

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
No idea which aperture this was, probably f/8, but somehow I got both the exposure and the focus right. Zone focussing a 85mm lens at f/8 is not that easy. Well, miracles do happen.
Back in my (only 35mm) film shooting days in the 70’s and early 80’s, Kodak D-76 was the standard developer for Tri-X. Why not give it a try, if you feel like it / can get hold of some…?
I personally didn’t shoot Tri-X, since I preferred ORWO 80 ASA bulk cine stock exposed at 125 AS for my (predominantly) pictorial work primarily for its ultra-fine grain and forgiving exposure latitude.
Loved them all, but the shot of the little dog in mid-air is outasite !! 🙂