Today we finally had some good weather and I used the opportunity to take out my Rollei for the last time this year. I’m actually not taking it on my trip to Germany because I will have my Leica to play with and it might be a little too cold for it anyway. I came back with 4 rolls of exposed film, 2 from my Rollei and 2 from my XA, which was quite a haul for this city! I happened to run into a demonstration – something to do with banks I think -, so there was actually something going on for once!
By the way, I also realised the other day that I now have shot more than 150 rolls of film! Alone this year it were 119 rolls already and the year is not over yet. In comparison to the 30 rolls last year and the 7 rolls in 2012 this was quite an increase! I guess it’s clear by now that I love shooting film!
This roll certainly demonstrated why the XA is not the right camera for very low light. It was very very dark, so of the whole 24 exposure roll only these were “sharp enough” to show, which definitely isn’t the same as actually being sharp. I still like them though. I’m so much looking forward to having a camera that meters to ISO 6400, although of course colour film kind of maxes out at ISO 1600 even with stuff like CineStill. Luckily I don’t really shoot much colour at night anyway. There is still one roll left with shots from the football world cup this last summer which is a roll of Portra 400 that I pushed to 800. It looks rather more promising actually, because it was shot with much more light. The only reason why I shot colour for this occasion were the flags. I wasn’t really expecting to develop these rolls myself after getting my brain twisted in a knot by Mr. Meyerowitz’ Cape Light series. That’s how it goes sometimes.
All pictures taken with: Olympus XA, F.Zuiko 35mm f/2.8.
Kodak Farbwelt 400 developed in Tetenal Colortec C41 Negative Processing Kit.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
Nope, not sharp, but it does have character!

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
I really like how this one turned out! My favourite of this bunch.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
Well, 3 flag capes in one picture! It’s a very popular style among football folks.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
“Sharpness is overrated” right? I love her hand!