It’s colour time

Today I was busy with my newest experiment – C41 colour film development at home – and therefore I will only give you a little preview of what is to come tomorrow, namely shots from the very first roll of C41 film I developed myself. I actually abandoned colour some years ago and only shot two rolls of colour film when I was testing my first Zorki. After that I went all black and white and only posted the very occasional digital colour picture. And even then I only allowed colour when the picture wouldn’t have been understandable without it. My brain just works better in monochrome, or that’s how I felt until recently.

After seeing that amazing Joel Meyerowitz retrospective in Düsseldorf though I somehow ended up in a colour mood and started to shoot some colour film. Now finally I have overcome my fear and developed the first roll myself. The developing kit had been sitting around here for a month before I finally felt adventurous enough to try it. How it went, I will tell you tomorrow, but as you can see from the picture it was definitely a success! I suspect that you might see quite a bit more colour around here in the future now that I’m in a colour mood and can develop it myself!

Taken with: Olympus XA, F.Zuiko 35mm f/2.8.
Rossmann 400 developed in Tetenal Colortec C-41 Negative Processing Kit.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014

© Lilly Schwartz 2014


  • “After seeing that amazing Joel Meyerowitz retrospective in Düsseldorf though I somehow ended up in a colour mood and started to shoot some colour film.”

    He was one of the pioneers in color street photography! Color has it’s place, too.


    • Lilly Schwartz

      Oh definitely, colour can be great. It just wasn’t part of my work until very recently. Just like other people don’t really do black and white. Joel Meyerowitz is fantastic. One of the great teachers as well, he has had a huge influence on people and still keeps going. For me the most amazing part of his work is actually not his street photography. That’s cool too, but what really amazed me was his Cape Light series. Wonderful colour! I was standing in front of it with my mouth open, that’s how great it was, and I’m not exaggerating here. Absolutely stunning!

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