On my last day staying in Düsseldorf I went out shooting with my good friend usch. Since I also needed a portrait of myself usch packed some portrait gear and somewhere in one of the lanes of the old city I tried to figure out how to look like a photographer without having a camera in front of my face. Believe me, it’s quite a tough thing to accomplish, especially if you don’t want to end up looking like a tourist. You can see the result at the end of the post.
I was posing with my Zorki, so first some pictures from the roll of film I shot that day. It was already getting a bit dark when I was finishing the roll and since I was in the soft aperture range of my 35mm lens at f/4 – 5.6 and wasn’t paying too much attention to the focus, it meant that there wasn’t much on this roll worth showing. I didn’t spend much time on these scans either, so most of them were done with a quick batch scan in Epson Scan. The exception was the last picture from this roll, which I did in Silverfast and I think it shows the potential of my new scanner.
The following taken with: Zorki 4K, Jupiter 12 35mm f/2.8.
Kodak Tri-X developed in Tetenal Ultrafin 1:10, 9min.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
This is my favourite of this batch. Very “Düsseldorf”.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
Zone focussing at f/4.0 is a bit hit and miss. Here I got it right.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
Not sure what the column is all about.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
Graaaaain. It was getting quite dark for ISO 400.

© Lilly Schwartz 2014
Sadly I don’t know who made this sculpture. I think the balance of it is amazing! This was the scan I made in Silverfast by the way.
And now the result of the photo shoot!

© Uwe Schröder 2014
I love the picture, thanks usch!
The T-Shirt is quite unique by the way. Dave from ShootTokyo went out of his way to obtain a woman size version for me and it obviously goes very well with my Zorki! Thanks Dave! And yes, a very colourful jumper for someone who mostly shoots black and white.
Very nice work, nice to see people still shooting film…..
Thanks Stephane! I love shooting film. A bit of anticipation can make the whole photographic adventure even more enjoyable! 🙂
Beautiful portrait. You are so young and lovely, it’s very hard to connect the glowing figure in the picture with the health issues you mention now and then. Maybe it’s all due to the immense atmospheric pollution in the developed countries. I wish you many decades more of scintillating photography; I have got a ringside view of Germany and Spain / Basque country, thanks to you – keep it up, and continue enjoying your photography and immense picture taking talent !!
Wow, thanks Subroto! In my case the health issues are due to the bad Western diet that was especially poisonous to me since I have celiac disease. Other people get these health problems later in life, but I guess I started a bit early. Don’t worry though, my health problems are of the annoying but not fatal sort.
Double feature:
– Pictures with the Zorki
– a current picture of yourself
Ok, the fourth picture is grainy. But it shows ‘character’.
Thanks Ralf 🙂 yeah, grain like gravel in that one, but I like it anyway. Grain is way more pretty than noise anyway!