slide glory After returning from our trip I’ve been using my time to experiment a little bit. I tried out my new camera – a lovely Zeiss Super Ikonta C 530/2 -, played with Ilford Pan F+ ...
lean I had another two weeks filled with photography experiments. After the stint in the darkroom I decided to reduce the amount of undeveloped rolls in the drawer and finally tackled something I’ve been preparing for ...
hold me The last couple of weeks have been full of experimentation and new developments (pardon the pun) after setting up my new darkroom. I have already made quite a number of prints and I was quite surprised ...
down south For 5 years I have posted almost every day when I had pictures to share. For the first year I even posted when I had nothing because I had a 365 project to complete. After ...
pretty in pink With sudden sunshine today I obviously felt the need to go out and shoot again. Such sunny days are rare around here in winter and quite unpredictable too. I still had ISO 400 film in ...
from above These days I’m testing my new lens thoroughly and making a good effort to get used to it. It’s a bit strange to have to point this big lens directly at people and actually focus, ...
afternoon light When I was looking for a fast lens, I had several options to choose from and I wasn’t quite sure which one to take. There are many fast lenses for the Leica and most of ...
Happy New Year 2016 First things first: I wish all of you a Happy New Year! It’s 2016 now and like every year I wanted to give you the traditional new year’s post with pictures from the previous year. Although I ...
too cool The weather forecast promises several more days of rain. I guess that’s what it’s like everywhere in autumn, so I shouldn’t complain too much. I’m using these bleak days for more progress on my journey ...
what can you see Today I was feeling sort of under the weather, but I still decided to go out to shoot some pictures. I just didn’t want the nice weather to go to waste with the impending autumn ...
resting places Almost 5 months after returning from Argentina I have finally finished developing all the 53 rolls I brought back from the trip. It was a difficult undertaking because it was the first time that I had ...
up they go Over the course of the summer I have come to follow a certain route through our neighbourhood that takes me past all the good spots for street photography on the way into town. I pass ...
on the corner I could well call it a sign that I have just five 35mm negative sleeves left when I have another five rolls of C41 film to develop to reach the capacity of the chemicals. An ...
and relax At the end of April before I started on the task of developing all those rolls from Argentina I bought another 100pack of archival negative sleeves for 35mm. I store all my negatives in archival ...
poder latino After spending quite some time editing pictures the last couple of days I thought it was about time to show you the first Rollei roll from our trip to Argentina. After having almost all my ...
sceptical looks Having shot some 20 rolls of colour film with my Rollei I was eager to see some results, but at the same time I didn’t want to risk an important roll for testing. So, last week ...
abyss As I promised, today I show you a roll from my Rolleicord, taken sometime in May. I’ve been shooting the Rollei quite a bit, but since it’s all in colour there is nothing to show ...
into the light You might have noticed that I travel a lot. Would you be surprised if I tell you that I don’t particularly enjoy the actual travel at all? I like going to places and seeing new ...
careful with the knife I’ve been waiting for the C41 chemicals to be delivered so that I can finally see some of my pictures from our trip to Buenos Aires, but sadly they’re still backordered. It will probably still ...
say no to austerity Sometimes good photographic practice isn’t about going outside and shooting. Sometimes it’s taking care of your archive. Today I got a new folder for my negatives in the mail along with another pack of negative ...